Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hello!!! Welcome to our blog. We'll see how good I am at posting regularly. I figure at the very least I can put up some good pictures. Next week Bentley turns FOUR! Who won't want to see pictures of that? And in less than 2 months she will be joined by her little sister. Who, just for the record, I'm betting looks exactly like her. I'll let you all be the judges of that once we get some pictures of her.

For those of you good at math, that makes me just over 7 months pregnant. And I've recently decided 7 months should have been a good ending point. I'm not sure why we need to go to 9. I'm perfectly content to be done right now. But because I would like our baby to be all the way cooked and not still doughy on the inside, I suppose I'll stick it out two more months.

Ryan is also ready for the cooking to be done. Not because I'm hormonal, that can't be it I'm sure. Honestly though, he is very excited to have the baby here. He's such a good daddy so I can't wait to see him with this baby too. And of course Bentley is excited to be a big sister. We haven't picked a name for the baby yet, but Bentley would like us to go with Cershella. I'm not sure if that's how she would spell it, and I'm REALLY not sure were on earth she got that name from, but that's her pick. Go figure.


  1. I would like you to be able to be done as well :) Can't wait to see your adorable little girl in a couple months!

  2. I must be advanced. I only had a gestation period of 7 months, although the $120,000 NICU bill may not have been worth it. :)
