Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Long Over Due Update

Well, clearly my blogging leaves something to be desired. I've set a goal to do better this year, because I know how much I love looking at all my family and friends blogs. We'll see how I do.

A lot has happened since I last blogged. Most of the changes have to do with Oaklee, but we'll get to that later. Two very big changes have happened with Ryan and I. Ryan started a new job! He is working in North Dakota on his uncles oil rig. Ryan has wanted to do this for years so he is thrilled that it has finally happened. He says it's the hardest work he's ever done but he loves it! There are, of course, some cons with this job. Like the minor detail that it is in a different state. His schedule right now is two weeks on and two weeks off. The time apart is really hard on all of us, but the pro list makes it worth it. The biggest pro is big change number two, I get to stay home with Oaklee. That's right! This mama gets to stay home with her baby now! I've loved every second of it. I'm so grateful for a husband who made it possible for me to be a full time mommy. We are still adjusting to everything that comes along with this new job, but we both agree it's been a great thing in our lives.

Now, on to the star of our family. I think I'm obsessed. But I'm her mom, so it's allowed. Oaklee has gotten SOO big. She turned 7 months old on Jan 29th and I have no idea how that happened. I swear she was born last week. She eats like a mad woman now. She loves everything I put in front of her. Except juice. She wants nothing to do with juice. We are working on that. She can now roll over, as seen here:

But she will only do it when forced. When I give her floor time she is perfectly happy to stay in one spot and play. She can also sit up on her own now....basically. She's still a little wobbly, but getting better every day. She's a chatter too! Don't know where she got that from.... She talks all day long. I can only imagine the stories I'm going to hear when she can actually talk. The most noticeable thing about Miss Oaklee is her smile. The kid is almost always smiling. She thinks everything is funny. Waking up to her big, cheesy, scrunched nose smile every morning is the best thing ever. Because she smiles so much, and because I think she's the cutest thing ever created, I have a picture taking problem. My sister's will be the first to tell you about it. I saw a pin on pinterest that I'm pretty sure one of them wrote about me. It said, "Oh, my baby moved an inch, I better take another picture." Yep, that's me. I don't even care though. :)

Because of my picture obsession, there are a lot to pick from, but here are some of my favorites. And some of the big events I missed in my blogging hiatus.

Oaklee's first Halloween! She's the cutest kitty ever.

Oaklee with her big sister! We didn't get to see Bentley very much this fall,

But when we did she had so much fun being a big sister.

We get her for a week in the middle of February

and I can't wait to see how fun they are together

now that Oaklee is a little bigger.

The famous Oaklee smile.

Oaklee with her cousin Parker. Oaklee is in LOVE with Parker.

If she's ever upset for no reason, Parker just has to smile at her

and she's happy again. He's also one really impressive babysitter

for a 9 year old. He will feed her and even change diapers.

Oaklee with her Bapa. Because my dad has spent this year

recovering, he spends a lot of time sleeping.

So Oaklee and Baba have taken a lot of naps together.

Oaklee's first swim! She LOVES the water.

First Christmas! She was spoiled rotten by her grandparents.
She even somewhat got into the spirit of opening presents.

One of Oaklee's favorite people is her cousin Jayne.

She loves when Jayne comes to play.

Six month check up! She's still a little behind on the

charts but growing like a bad weed.

I do think she's destined to be a shorty though.

Oaklee sits in the bathroom with me when I get ready in the morning.

I had to put this picture on because her face in this

is so freaking cute. Couldn't you just eat those cheeks?

Oaklee's first snow adventure. You can' tell but

the reason her mouth is open is because it was snowing

on her face and she was trying to eat it.

Showing off her sitting up skills. And her pretty blue eyes.

Ryan and I got called in to nursery a few months ago but Oaklee

hates going because there's too much commotion. Not to mention

all the kids try to 'help' me take care of her. So now, every Sunday

Oaklee gets all dressed up and goes to church with her grandmas!

For those of you who don't know, my mom and Ryan's mom are in the same

ward. So she gets to play with both grandma's at once.

Another church outfit.

This is the most recent picture of Miss Oaklee. She's too big!

I need to figure out how to make it stop.

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