Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On the mend...sort of.

We are working on getting back to normal at the Webster house.

Well, Ryan isn't getting better at all, if anything he's getting worse.

He has just been in bed since he got home. Apparently he didn't get the

memo that we are working on getting better. Bentley comes tomorrow so we

are really hoping he starts to feel better so he can enjoy his time

with Bentley. (Side note: I can't wait for Bentley to play with Oaklee now

that she is so much more aware. It is going to be so fun. Tons of pictures

to come, I'm sure.)

Oaklee really is getting better. She's still fussier than normal, but considering, she's

been really good. As long as we don't let it lapse between

her pain meds, she stays pretty happy. We went back to insta care

on Sunday to get her looked at and since there are no signs of

infection, now we just have to change her dressing twice a day at home.

This part REALLY sucks. She cries every time, which makes me cry.

I hate it. But the burns are slowly getting better so hopefully we will only

be doing this for another week or so.

Here are some pictures of the progress:

Here she is on Sunday, after we got back from Insta Care.

She had just had some pain meds and was feeling pretty good about life.

This is her right foot, the worst of the burns.
This picture makes me so sad.

And this is her left leg. It looks TONS better.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bec, I'm so sorrt about your CRAPPY weekend. Glad the baby is feeling better and I hope Ryan starts to feel better soon. Have a great visit with Bentley. Keep the updates coming. Love you guys.
